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Corruption at the Department of Interior

The federal Justice Department is looking into the alleged corruption of former Interior Secretary Gale Norton. Under Norton, Interior’s corruption reached baroque proportions, particularly in issues involving California, as stories beneath indicate. For underlying documentation, readers are urged to consult Interior’s Office of Inspector General’s special reports at http://www.doioig.gov/index.php?menuid=2&viewid=-1&viewtype=REPORT&pgid=...


Steinberg's Water Bill Package Defeated...Dan Bacher...9-12-09
Senate President Pro tem Darrell Steinberg and other Legislators abandoned their attempt to rush the water bond and bill package, a thinly-veiled road map to the peripheral canal, through the Capitol in the final hours of the Legislative Session.

The price of dirt, Part 5 -- the Medical Assistance Program, Auditor/Controller Report, and budget passage

Item 22: Health, Reconvening the Beilenson Hearing of Medical Assistance Program
Chairwoman Deidre Kelsey: We will reconvene the Beilenson hearing and I’ll have Mr. Volanti get us back on track.

End the charade

Three-quarters of likely California voters disapprove of their state Legislature this month and think it is run by a few special interests. This is the worst rating the Legislature has received in the 11 years of Public Policy Institute of California polling, the institute reported this week. The names of those interests are FIRE – Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate.

The price of dirt, Part 3

In a July 30 letter to state Assemblyman Juan Arambula, the Legislative Analyst’s Office wrote:

While certain liabilities are difficult to quantify precisely, it appears the state has over $200 billion of short-term, longer-term, and retirement-related liabilities to retire in future years. These liabilities will continue to put pressure on the state’s finances for years to come.
